Sacred Bodywork

Sacred Bodywork is a deeply relaxing and meditative hands-on session that optimizes the flow of energy, honing in on blockages, congestion and disruptions of flow. Developed by Monique, SB optimizes the neural system to induce an out-of-body meditative state that brings complete relaxation and resets the entire system. Out-of-body experiences play an important role in resetting mental, physical, emotional and psychological patterns.



From the moment a client enters to the moment they leave, I am listening. I am listening with my eyes, with my ears, with my heart, and yes, with my hands

If you call in the silence within yourself, if you ask yourself to be completely and totally present, it's amazing what you can hear.

But then again, it's not about what you can hear. It's the fact that you are there, present, and doing nothing but listening. You are simply and purely being the witness to the sacredness of the other. And in those moments there is breath, movement, release, expression, connection, communication emotion - life itself fills you, soaks into you, the listener. 

You do not judge if this is right or wrong. You do not decipher if this is healthy or not. You do not diagnose it the muscle is tight or torn... You simply exist... in that ethereal, dreamlike space that is neither you nor them. You simply float, noticing the environment you find yourself in, it's tendencies, it's hues, it's willingness to expand and contract, to give, to hold on, open, let go. 

Listening: The profound sacred art or presence, of being, of healing

Sacred Bodywork Video: Kriya’s

(energy releases)