Deep Relaxation Massage

At Hand in Hand, Deep Relaxation Massage is a developed skill, an art, a symphony of elements, touch, sound and techniques to take you to a deep state of relaxation that not only addresses tight or stiff muscles but calms and resets the nervous system. In many massage studios Relaxation Massage is a term used to describe any general massage, most often using Swedish Massage as its modality.

Deep Relaxation Massage is a much-needed, possibly medically needed, vital component of health that many of us are never taught and have rarely, if ever, experienced. Deep Relaxation Massage has many health benefits, your system can learn where and how it holds stress and tension, reminded of a new set point, where your stress and cortisol levels are lower and you function from a clearer, healthier more grounded place. It should not be classified or thought of as ‘pampering’ or ‘spoiling yourself’.

Embrace relaxing and slowing down

Type A personalities, those on the go all the time, those who have busy minds and busy schedules express this fear, that if they slow down they’ll never get anything (or everything) done.

When I taught self-defense boundary setting, I used the analogy of a radio to teach people how to use their voice… What music and volume would you use to lull someone to sleep and what would you use if someone were attacking your? We need to adjust the volume and tempo for each situation otherwise we don’t get the right message across.

Its the same with our body, our body’s neural system…if we accept the default speed, the speed that stress sets for us, we can find ourselves operating at this stress-speed for everything we do (brushing our teeth, eating our food, etc) and the only thing that slows us down or keeps us going are coping or adaptation mechanisms such as withdrawal, sleep, depression, alcohol or other substances. At the end of the day, week or month we either collapse at the end in exhaustion or can’t turn off enough to enjoy ourselves or get good rest.

It’s unsustainable.

We need to choose when we move fast, do things quickly, have an active, stimulated mind. We need to be able to slow down, to relax. We need to recognize the difference and switch stations depending on when it’s ‘go time’ or ‘down time’.

Some were never taught how to relax, or that there was any value in doing so. We may even have grown up believing it was wasted time. We may allow ourselves to take coffee or lunch breaks at work, but we never heard about the healing, rejuvenating effects of ‘letting go’, ‘breathing’ or meditation. Or if we learned about it, we never had the time or put in the time for it to become more than another item on our to-do list.

A Relaxation Massage at Hand in Hand is an experience. You don’t need to do anything but get a massage and your system will start to reorganize itself.

If you find yourself unfulfilled, maybe you’re fundamentally depleted and exhausted. If you find yourself anxious, irritated, annoyed try a reset of your nervous system.

Getting Relaxation Massages at Hand in Hand is taking care of yourself, being good to yourself, it’s changing your relationship to yourself and your loved ones.