Anxiety/Stress Massage

For over 30 years as a therapist and a Massage Professional, Monique has studied how stress, anxiety, ptsd, and panic disorders alter how we think, feel and behave. Anxiety and stress are connected to the cranial and nervous system. In Anxiety/Stress Massage sessions Monique uses polyvagal theory and connected touch, paying particular attention to presence, quality of touch, tempo, breath and grounding.

Stress and anxiety may be caused by one event, an accumulation of life events, or even learned responses or holding patterns. Anxiety and stress can manifest as uncontrollable emotions ranging from anger to fear, sadness and depression. It can express itself in jumpiness, isolation and sleepless nights. It can make us feel overwhelmed, at the end of our rope, distressed, depressed, and/or deeply fatigued. Some suffer from panic attacks, PTSD or Complex PTSD (C-PTSD, caused by chronic or recurring trauma).

Stress and anxiety affect our health, putting us at an increased risk for high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, increased cortisol levels, depression, memory and concentration impairment, digestive issues, headaches. We often adapt by over or under eating, isolating, drinking, smoking, our lives often get smaller.

Long term stress effects our functioning, our relationships, and can even create a loss of self, of who we are and what we enjoy.

By working directly with the nervous and vagus system, these sessions are geared to calm and ground a system that is overwhelmed and can no longer cope or function. You will most likely come out of this session feeling calmer, with a renewed level of energy and connectedness to your self.


Important note: It is highly recommended that you match your emotional distress with the support you need. This bodywork can help calm your nervous system and ground you but it does not replace psychological or medical help. You’re welcome to also book a therapy/counseling session with Monique or a Men’s Issues Coaching/Mentoring session with Blane for additional support and/or exploration.